Ernesto Domain Names

Last year, with the destruction brought by Hurricane Katrina, many Katrina sites popped up asking for money.

Some of them legitimate while most, were illegal sites robbing many good Samaritans of their money, some sites also came with spywares and malwares to exploit systems.

See here for a previous blog posting about Katrina.

And now as hurricane Ernesto comes, SANS has noted a spike in Domain registrations with the term “ernesto”.

These are some of the domains that they have disclosed.

  • cnnernesto(.com)|(.net)
  • ernestodamage(.com)|(.net)
  • ernestohurrican(.com)|(.net)
  • ernestoinsurance(.com)|(.net)
  • ernestomoney(.com)|(.net)
  • ernestonews(.com)|(.net)
  • ernestopipeline(.com)|(.net)
  • ernestovideo(.com)|(.net)
  • ernestoweather(.com)|(.net)

It will be good if we can keep track of these kinds of sites and verify their legitimacy before we have another Katrina on our hands.