Sony Rootkit Solutions
We are glad to announce that the solutions for the Sony…
New MS Advisory: Memory Allocation Denial of Service Via RPC And Update on the Bot Honeypot
New MS AdvisoryA few days ago, a POC for a DOS on RPC w…
Sony’s uninstaller is prone to exploit!!!
Sony”s web-based removal tool can cause another s…
Goggle on Google?
Advertisers of rogue antispyware and their cohorts stri…
Another Filename Bypass Vulnerability?
I just discovered a recent feature in the Microsoft com…
WORM_SOBER Spammed Emails
Here is our current screenshot collection of SOBER̵…
Sony’s removal patch can cause “Blue-Screen-Of-Death”
After the discovery of a malware using the Sony DRM Sof…
New Sober Variant
A new worm sober is currently in thewild.It is very sim…
Sony-BMG Sued for Rootkit
Sony-BMG is now facing a law suit from a digital-rights…
Security Vulnerabilities in RealPlayer Patched
RealNetworks Inc. addressed security vulnerabilities in…