月: 2006年3月
Bad mIRC Link
It looks like it’s a peaceful day for my shift. T…
Trojan Rootkit from a Worm
TrendLabs has received reports about a Trojan Rootkit t…
Public exploit for MS06-007
This is a one packet killer.MS06-007 (Vulnerability in …
Virtual Machines turned evil
The virtual machine concept was first invented by IBM p…
New MSN Hotmail Worm
A new worm has been spreading through MSN Hotmail since…
Just Another AIM Worm
We received some report of a new technique used by an A…
Vulnerability and Exploit shows Increase
An article published yesterday shows that the time betw…
Malware From Currency Exchange site
From (Internet Sorm Center)ISC: “… the page…
Visual Studio Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (‘.dbp’ and ‘.sln’ files)
A stack buffer overflow vulnerability exists in Visual …
New Mobile Malware
We have just received a new .SIS file that may contain …