A Mixed Threat Adventure
Mixed threats are becoming more and more common nowaday…
Stalking the Fanbot
Brief HistoryDuring the first quarter of 2005, the adve…
New Skype Vulnerabilities
New Vulnerabilities in Skype, a little program for maki…
(Yet Another) URL Spoofing Bug
Another URL spoofing in at least two browsers has been …
Snort Buffer Overflow
First, a little light:[Start Quote]“Snort is an o…
Virus Advisory: PE_NOFACE.B
We have receieved reports of an overwriting virus infec…
We have received a sample of a Symbian malware that exh…
Walk the talk
Cellphones may perhaps top the list of items which are …
Microsoft Windows Vista Meets The First Nemesis
If you have been reading news, you may have heard of th…
Worm Spammed Via AIM
We’ve heard of emails spamming links to download …