Bagle on the loose!

A new Bagle variant is on the loose Trend Micro detects this
Bagle variant as WORM_BAGLE.FN. This worm sends out copies of
itself in a password protected Zip file. The password to decrypt
this worm can be found in the Body of its email, A 5 number
combination decrypts it. The filename of these attachments are all
sorts of names of people, from Anna to Grace to Martha to many
more. The attached ZIP file contains 2 files a random filenamed EXE
file and a random filenamed DLL file that is inside a folder with
the same name.

More updates will come your way as soon as there are any..

Update(Obet, 21 June 2006 03:36:15)

A sample email of the malware can be found below.