A new group of malware authors called the doomriderz has emerged
and they’ve just released their first virus, well I assumed it is
their first ‘cause its the only virus posted on their website.
Well the virus is made from C# and it will need a .NET framework
in order for it to work. Upon its infection the virus will make a screen saver that will tell the
user that the user has been infected with the virus. This
screensaver will execute at startup; however, it will not terminate
whatever mouse-movement the user does or whatever is typed on the
keyboard – talk about the ultimate screensaver. As for the
infection, I have yet to see it – It is supposed to infect EXE
files in the current directory but it didn’t work in my testing so far.
btw, below is a screenshot of the screensaver I was talking
about. the text moves around the screen in a random manner.

The infection routine works! and it is verified to be a polymorphic virus. It infects executable files in the current directory. Trend Micro detects this virus as PE_IKOL.A-O you can see more information regarding this virus here.