For the past weeks, we’ve had LOTS of little-ly(yes, there is such a word in my vocabulary) spammed trojans. No massive email spamming, just email messages in small doses, and with small targets.
Take for example these hand-picked advisories from the Email Honeypot:
Short and sweet. And with a typo. And of course, an executable attachment.

This one is in.. portuguese?

Which translates to:
“Talk for free with anyone you want, netphnoe, this service came to stay! Open the attached file and install now our product the first 500 minutes are for free!”
Now this one attempts to make the target believe that the original email is from the user. Confused? Hmm… Let me try again. This one tries to make the target think that the email is a reply to an original email… Wait, here’s an email sample:
There, see what I mean? The “you wrote” part? Yes?