Sligthly Modified Obfuscation Technique of JS_FEEBS Wins over AV’s Generic Detection

Just a moment ago we received a new sample of JS_FEEBS variant in the email honeypot. It has a slightly modified decryptor code to avoid Anti-Virus detection and it seems to be successfull as of this moment.

Prior to the JS_FEEBS variant that we received in the email honeypot, most of AV vendors have already picked-up variants of JS_FEEBS by their generic patterns but this time, it seems like they are quite losing the ‘war ‘.

For the meantime, it successfully evades Anti-Virus detection especially, the generic detections employed by various AV’s but this will not last long! I have already submitted the sample to the Service Team as well as to the Escalation Team so that we can stop this malware from infecting more systems and of course to protect our customers!