Lineage Creators Start Crackdown on Illegal Antics Against Their Game

Lineage II, the immensely popular Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), is expected to release its sixth chronicle update entitled
Interlude: The Chaotic Thronebetween late March and early May this year.

As gamers worldwide anticipate this release, authors of the highly-successful spyware family TSPY_LINEAGE and illegal private servers are also probably gearing up. These crooks better watch their backs though because NCSoft, Lineage’s developers, is already taking steps to track them down. As of this writing, the company is working with the FBI on a crackdown of illegal Lineage private servers. It is also coordinating with the South Korean government in the country’s bid to prevent the massive Lineage-related ID theft controversy of late last year from happening again.

To read an in-depth article about TSPY_LINEAGE’s routines and payloads, click here: