Chatting With an IM worm

There are reports being published on the internet of an IM worm that has a little “artificial intelligence” such that it has the ability to reply on messages sent to it. A typical example may look like this:

IM_Worm_Infected_user: Ei, here”s my cool pic!
Targeted_user: Really? It may be a virus.
IM_Worm_Infected_user: LOL. It”s not a virus :)

Below is a snip of a report on the net.

“A new worm that targets users of America Online’s AOL Instant Messenger is believed to be the first that actually chats with the intended victim to dupe the target into activating a malicious payload”


“The malicious file disables security software, installs a backdoor and tweaks system files, the company said. Then it starts sending itself to contacts on the victim’s buddy list.”

The original article can be found in the following url:
New IM worm chats with its intended victims

Our team is currently searching for a sample of the said malware. Again, it is recommended that IM users are careful not to click on unsolicited url”s from IM messages even if it came from known contacts.

Update (JoneZ, 08 December 2005 10:10:53)

Here we are again. The malware sample is forwarded to the Service Team for processing. This will be detected as WORM_IXBOT.A.

Update (Gerald, 08 December 2005 17:39:32)

This worm uses AIM, AIM Triton and MSN Messenger to propagate itself. The Remote malicious user controls this bot to propagate either one of the mentioned Messengers or all of them simultaneously.

So, to those of you who uses the said messenger, BE CAREFUL!!!!