New Sober Variant

A new worm sober is currently in the

It is very similar to
in the sense that

  • it drops its file in the same location
  • same filename (services.exe)
  • also terminates MRT.EXE(Microsoft’s Malware Removal Tool) and
    then displays this messagebox

  • Also has emails in German.
  • packed with UPX.

If I remember correctly the previous WORM_SOBER.AC was also first
spammed as a UPX packed worm. Then emails started flooding our
honeypot system with emails containing a dropper for WORM_SOBER.AC.
First it was packed with FSG and then MEW.

Will this new WORM_SOBER variant follow the same path as
WORM_SOBER.AC? We are currently on the lookout and will of course
update this blog once the answer reveals itself.:)

This has already been passed to the service team.